Tuesday, March 15, 2005

3D Ray Tracing Card at CeBIT 2005

"As noted at heise.de Saarland University is showing a prototype of a 3D Raytracing Card at CeBIT2005. The FPGA is clocked at 90 MHz and is 3-5 times faster in raytracing then a Pentium4 CPU with 30 times more MHz. Besides game engines using raytracing there was a scene of a Boeing with 350 million polygons rendered in realtime.(slashdot)"

3D Chip von de sar

"Wem die virtuellen 3D-Welten herkömmlicher Rasterizer-Grafikkarten nicht real genug erscheinen, sollte die Hallen 27 und 23, in denen ATI ausschweifend seinen 20. Geburtstag feiert beziehungsweise Nvidia seine Partner wie in einer Wagenburg gegen schwere Zeiten um sich schart, nach fünf Tagen World Cyber Games einmal verlassen und quer übers (reale) Gelände in Halle 9 hinten links beim Stand A60 vorbeischauen."(heiss.de)

SaarCOR - A Hardware Architecture for Real Time Ray Tracing

SaarCOR is a hardware architecture for generating highly realistic images of 3D environments in realtime. It implements the well-known ray-tracing algorithm on a single chip and reaches performance comparable to todays graphics technology but uses less hardware resources and requires less memory bandwidth. Possible applications include computer games and realistic visualization in the design and development process of products such as cars, air planes, and buildings.

For the first time SaarCOR allows for displaying highly complex objects with millions of triangles with photo-realistic image quality at realtime. The architecture is highly flexible and scalable and can be optimized for different application scenarios. A first prototype of this graphic board purely based on ray tracing is available.(saarcor.de)


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